Yucca elephantipes / 'Spineless Yucca'
Yucca elephantipes / 'Spineless Yucca'
Although it’s most likely to be found in the wild in Mexico or Central America, this particular yucca has been grown in Europe since the 1850s. It would have been prized by rich Victorians for its very exotic appearance. The more exotic your houseplants, the wealthier you looked.
The ‘elephantipes’ part of the name is for the fact that the trunk of a mature yucca looks like an elephant’s foot. Fully grown, it can be as tall as six metres.
It’s not difficult to grow as a houseplant, as long as you remember it’s used to hot, dry conditions. Do everything you can to remind it of its sunny home by giving it as much light as possible and being sparing on the water. It doesn’t like to stand in water.
*Pot size 12cm. Toxic to pets.*
Very light watering, he’s drought tolerant, so forgiving of forgetful waterers.
Ideally, water him when he's completely dry
There’s really no such thing as too much light for this guy. Place him in the brightest spot available.
Did you know?
The yucca flower is the official flower of El Salvador. You probably won’t see flowers on a yucca grown indoors, so it’s a good excuse to go to El Salvador.